Geek For E!

Comic Book Review: Zacharia Thorn #1

Zachariah Thorn 1An intriguing premise hobbled by a lack of exposition or real character introduction.  Events happened 10 years ago that changed Zack and made him a super demon hunter…but readers are pulled along with the story, rather than being able to sink in and get lost in the vibe.  Thorn #1 reads like a halfway point, rather than a brand new series.

Still, Scott Reichert looks to have stumbled on a cool story; Thorn feels like Constantine and Buffy got together and partied in the local graveyard.  Bonkz Seriosa’s artwork is on-point, coupled with Robert Reichert’s vibrant colors. One misstep in the art department: Seriosa’s inclusion of his own name on a prominently placed gravestone during the climax of the issue feels amateurish.  It’d have been cute if that stone was far in the back; a nice shout-out for fans to swoon over.  But loud and proud thisclose to a main monster?  Yanked me right out of an already flighty narrative.

In another issue or two, Thorn could be a series worth watching.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing how they flesh out the story, and these characters.  But #1 is a halting look at the tale, and those wrapped up in it.  Luckily it’s a damn pretty view.  Grade: C+

[NOTE: I received a copy of this title thanks to the graciousness of the creators.  I received no compensation for my review.]

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