Geek For E!

A sneak-peek at this year’s Free Comic Book Day releases of Buffy and The Guild!

If you’re worth your weight in comic books, you’re looking forward to May 5, 2012.  That’s this year’s Free Comic Book Day, the day that everyone gets to read comic books, regardless of ability to pay.  Hey, they’re free y’all!  It s a great way to take a look at a series that is just starting up and/or not typically your type.  Plus, you can grab comic books for the little ones, because it’s not all teen and adult stuff!  I’ve been snagging the yearly Owly, which is just about the cutest young’uns comic I’ve ever seen….

As FCBD has gained momentum, so it’s appeal has crossed over to the masses.  Which means get to your favorite comic book store early to snag the ones you want.  Also, some comic book stores have a limit on the number of individual titles you’re allowed to pick up, and almost all shops have a “one per person” rule so everyone can join in on the fun.

Not sure you can make it this year (or just want to read something new Right Now)?  Never fear, the folks over at Dark Horse have a tantalizing peek at their giveaways this year.  Check out the first few pages of Buffy and The Guild; hey, it’s a PDF, so you can save it & read it later…or again and again.

Want to know what else will be on offer for this year’s FCBD?  Check out the list, and make sure to check back because there’s always a few extra add-ons as the big day nears.  Enjoy!