Geek For E!

Movie Review: J. Edgar

A brash young upstart rising up the Government ladder thanks to a little bit of skill and a whole lot of being at the right place at the right time.  Someone who liked to throw on a pretty frock every now and then, and lived with a dashing young man amid much speculation.  A touch insecure, lived with Mommy for way too long, but managed to hide most personal foibles under a thick cloud of Type A….  Oh, enough about me in my twenties, let’s get on with the review.  Clint Eastwood’s look at J. Edgar Hoover is one that skims the span of his life and shows not a cross-dressing laughingstock or a larger than life hero, but a man, the good, bad and sometimes downright ugly.  It’s not the most organized movie ever made, but it’s an interesting look at a powerful man, and his efforts to create one of the most powerful Bureaus in the United States.

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