Geek For E!

Location Managers Guild Awards set for Saturday, March 20th

Awards! Bet you didn’t know there were so many given out during Awards Season, did’cha? Well, I’m here to help.

Today’s the final day for submissions to the Location Managers Guild Awards. What are those, you ask?  Well, all movies need a place to film right?  I mean, you don’t want to see every single scene shot in a soundstage.  Location Managers are the people that scope out places to shoot scenes, make sure there’s adequate security (fire, police, and ambulance coverage too, if necessary), get the permits and basically do all the non-glamorous stuff so that directors, actors and the other artsy folks can do their jobs.  They’re also the folks locals interact with, so when Film & TV people shoot here in B’more?  Chances are you’ll run across a Location Manager doing his or her thang, and they’re the folks you’d talk to with any questions or concerns.

Yeah, I kinda think they’re awesome too.

Anyway, their guild is doing an awards presentation March 20th.  Gotta admit these awards were a mystery to me, but now that I know the exist?  I’m dying to find out who will win, and why.

Read on for the full press release!


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